The Höhere Technische Lehranstalt of Mödling, the largest technical institute in Austria with 3,500 students, places great importance on comprehensive training in the field of wood technology. To better prepare its students for their professional future, HTL Mödling has recently introduced the intelligent wood measurement system, the Cubatore, in collaboration with Infometrics.
The Cubatore is the best digital system for measuring and classifying lumber and logs, aimed at all operators in the timber supply chain. It combines traditional measurement tools with cutting-edge APP and cloud technology. Yesterday, the system was officially handed over to Andreas Stangl, the head of the sawmill.
Explained by Martina Scheirer-Weindorfer, head of the Wood Technology Department:
"We offer a unique training program for using wood as a material in all sectors. Here, students learn to combine technology, craftsmanship, and innovative technologies. With Infometrics' Cubatore, we can modernize sawmill training and make it even more interesting for our students."
In the photo (from left to right): Daniel Überbacher (Infometrics), Andreas Stangl (Head of the Sawmill, HTL Mödling)